Saturday, June 23, 2012

DeRuiter Family

It was a pleasure to photograph the DeRuiter family last night. My friend, Laura, has been featured on my blog a number of times now: when I photographed the staff of the Gay Blade (a hair salon in Port Dover where Laura and I met and used to work together), and more recently when I captured her belly and then baby pictures... I also documented Melissa's family when they had baby Asher in February... so it was fun to get to capture the rest of the family. This family has a lot of fun when they are together...
Pat and Emily were so sweet and natural in front of the camera...

Josh and his beautiful girlfriend, Victoria.

Ray and Melissa with their 3 handsome boys: Isaiah, Noah, and Asher.

Adam and Laura with adorable little Isla.

I'll end this post with a picture of the boys hunting for critters in the creek.... what a perfect night for pictures!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Michael + Nicole

This is my first attempt at wedding videography. I thought it might be something I'd like to get into, so I told my sisters (who have their own photography businesses) to let me know if any of their brides would be interested in having me come and experiment with video at their weddings. I'm so glad Angie hooked me up with Nicole for this experience. It was the perfect wedding for me to learn at, and she and Michael were the perfect couple to make a great video. It was a high energy, fun-filled day. I hope I captured it well and did their day the justice it deserves. There is a big learning curve for me going from photography to video, and I really appreciate Michael and Nicole for letting me practise on them :)

The quality is better if you watch the video right on my vimeo account - you can do this by clicking the title "Michael & Nicole" under the video.

Michael & Nicole from Beth Vanderwier on Vimeo.